How to have a good business knowledge?


I learnt lots about business from the book's which it is a very useful business tool's.  I am mostly self-taught from the book's because there are lacks of excellent education system for the Deaf in the United Kingdoms because I am Deaf, British Sign language user and often being fob off because they don't believe that I can do it.

I personally blame on Milan 1888 which cause a huge impact on the Deaf people who need to communicate with the Sign Language and the USA is very lucky because they were against the Milan 1888 and formed a National Association of the Deaf which support for the Deaf people right to use Sign Language in the education.

You need to read many business books as you can and test it out before go ahead in the big way.  I failed and failed so many times before I success.  If I failed and give up, I will never achieve the success.

So many successful business people have failed so many times and the keys is "Don't give up and Don't going back" and use the common sense risk.  It is always a bumping rides to be successful.

What is the "Common Sense Risks"?

The common sense risks define how much money you put in and what is the possible return.  Why to spend million's pounds and the possible return is zero that is not common sense risks!

A good common sense risk is when you spend £1,000 and the return will be possibly to triple the sum on what you have spend.  The risk is you could lose £1000 and if the possibly return is lower than you expect but that's the common sense risks.  On the positive side, you have gain the business experience.  I start out with nothing and spend little as possible to make it grow with a strong business foundation.


The most important things that you must to be very good at researching in the very fine details and don't miss out anything because you don't want to have a very costly failure.  Learn about your main competitive, check everything about them and check what customer feedbacks.  Keep yourself up to date with the news of the competitive which it will help you to stay ahead in the game.

I hope I get you exciting with your idea and opportunity.  Don't be put off with the risks or in fear of the unknown because it will be worthwhile after you done with the heavy researching and learn about business with the books then go ahead.

Good luck friend's

Shaun Sadlier


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